Ontrol provides a comprehensive Sedona driver and programming interface for Niagara 4.
The Sedona module offers an intuitive programming interface, allowing you to program Sedona devices directly from the N4 Workbench. Enjoy the convenience of wire-sheets, linking, property sheets, and more - all within the familiar workflow you are already familiar with.
In addition, our solution includes essential provisioning tools, offering backup and restore functions, as well as a user-friendly kit manager interface.
The N4 OntrolSedonanet modules require licensing, but the license is free-of-charge for use with Ontrol's Sedona devices. When used with other vendors' Sedona devices, an additional license will be required as below.
Part numbers:
ONT-DR-SED: Sedona driver & programming tool license limited to Ontrol devices
ONT-DR-SEDN: Sedona driver & programming tool license add-on to remove vendor limitations
Contact us for pricing and trial licenses.
Download files here.

Our Sedona driver seamlessly enables Sox communication with Sedona Framework-powered devices. Both device and point discovery are provided. The ability to discover and add any property on any component without previous planning is a huge advantage compared to other programmable controllers.

The Sedona module offers an intuitive programming interface, allowing you to program Sedona devices directly from the N4 Workbench. Enjoy the convenience of wire-sheets, linking, property sheets, and more - all within the familiar workflow you already know.

The OntrolSedonaNet module includes essential provisioning tools, offering backup and restore functions, as well as a user-friendly kit manager interface, right within Niagara 4 Workbench.

There is no need for a local connection to a Sedona device. As long as you have a connection to the Niagara station (e.g. running on a remote Jace), you can conveniently access, program and provision any downstream Sedona devices.

Ontrol provides a migration module to allow effortless migration of AX stations using the legacy AX Sedona driver to Niagara N4.