Niagara Framework® is a comprehensive software infrastructure that addresses the challenges of creating device-to-enterprise applications. It serves as a central console for connecting real-time operational data to the people and systems that manage workflows in smart buildings, data centers, industrial processes, smart cities and other aspects of business enterprises.

Ontrol is a Tridium Platinum distributor, certified Niagara Framework developer and Tridium training partner. Our central office in Istanbul is advantageously located for swift deliveries to Europe, Middle East and Africa, as well as far East (our systems integrator network reaches as far as Kazakhstan in the East).
Sign-up with Ontrol for best-of-class service, training & support and competitive pricing - not to mention off-the-shelf delivery of most products - where ever you are.
Ontrol is one of the earliest adapters of Niagara Framework™ worldwide.
Since 2001, we amassed a great amount of Niagara Framework™ experience and expertise going back to the early days with R2, then Niagara AX, and presently the latest generation Niagara 4 technology.

Ontrol's status and privilage as a Platinum Tridium distributor and developer enables us to offer you competitive pricing in addition to extensive services and support.
We supply the full range of hardware and software produced by Tridium, including Niagara 4 supervisor, JACE 8000 and Edge controllers, as well as the Enterprise Security range - all backed up by great service and support. We always maintain a large stock for timely delivery and as a buffer against unforeseeable market conditions.